Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rift succeeds in Guinness World Record bid

On Valentines Day, Rift challenged players to set a World Record for marrying as many in-game characters as possible in a 24 hour period. Players responded by hitching 21,879 in-game characters together. Each participating spouse was granted a title: The Avowed. The act of marriage was added in Rift’s 7th update, Carnival of the Ascended.

“Establishing this record was a monumental achievement for our development team and community of passionate players, and I couldn’t be more proud,” said Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer on Rift and Trion’s CCO. “Ascended Weddings were a great way to lift the veil on Rift’s new ‘Gatherings’ feature, social experiences that bring players together in new and interesting ways. We look forward to expanding this great new gameplay element in the always-evolving world of Telara.”

Gaz Deaves, Gaming Editor for Guinness World Records, said “It’s great to see the seeds of love blooming in virtual worlds, and particularly impressive to see so many gamers getting together to say their vows for one event like this. The evidence submitted was of a very high standard and we even witnessed some of the ceremonies ourselves, so this achievement will definitely be considered for the next Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition.”

Rift recently added a free to play option, so if you want to add some virtual matrimony to your life, be sure to check it out.

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