Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Final Fantasy XIV Open Beta Delays

Final Fantasy XIV fans will have to wait an indeterminate amount of time for Square Enix to patch out "detrimental bugs", as reported by the Escapist. The open beta for the new MMO was slated to launch at 7:00PM PST on 8/31, but has been delayed to fix some problems with the game related to the authentication servers and logon conflicts.

The sequel to the last moderately popular Final Fantasy game promised a host of new and revised features, as well as competitive PvE and PvP play in a richly-detailed, seamless environment.

While it is not expected to be a major contender in the western MMO arms race, it will certainly grip the throat of eastern gaming in a stranglehold until challenged by the widely-successful Guild Wars 2, which will be a major competitor with the newest Final Fantasy installment.

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